We believe the best way to stay involved and in touch is as a union member - you will receive regular updates and be invited to all-member meetings where decisions are made about the process, inclusions and exclusions in the Branch Log of Claims. As a union member, should it come to it, you will be protected if your branch membership decides to take any form of protected industrial action; if you aren't a member, you cannot participate without putting yourself at risk.

But if you cannot become a member for some reason, there are still many ways to participate:

  • Participate in union actions – come to sundowners, meetings, workshops, protests, and make suggestions for events you think would be effective, too!
  • Be a visible supporter – put up posters, wear a badge or sticker. You can also request printed materials and other merch from your Branch office.
  • Talk to your friends about bargaining and why they need to join.
  • Join a bargaining reference group or the campaign committee
  • Sign up to be a volunteer.

We do understand that circumstances arise where union membership seems out of reach or unaffordable. If that's the case, please contact your Branch Organiser who will be happy to show how union membership is worth investing in - it's tax deductible and in this climate, more important that ever to have a workplace safety net. 

Convinced? Join here!  

We also have an easy form you can complete on the Bargaining homepage - click on over to start your union journey!