NTEU Victoria Strike Week: join the rallies and get involved!

Calling all NTEU Victoria Members! Come and join us for an unprecedented week of action to speed up the progress of enterprise bargaining at the University of Melbourne, RMIT and Swinburne.

Bring your colleagues, friends, children, even your pets, and support NTEU members at the various rallies happening this week (see details below). Let's show the VCs and management at our universities that we want new deals and a better future for the higher education sector, with Better Unis, and Real Pay Rises | Secure Jobs | Fair Workloads.

We are about to make history.

Thousands of NTEU members across Victoria will be taking industrial action this week, including a ground-breaking 5-day strike at the University of Melbourne, as well as half-day strikes at Swinburne and RMIT. Building on our historic statewide strike in May, this reflects an unprecedented level of frustration about university managements’ failure to agree to meaningful improvements in three key areas: job security, fair workloads and real pay increases.

NTEU members in higher education have had enough. Enough wage theft, enough bargaining, enough low-ball wage offers, enough waiting. The actions our members are taking at University of Melbourne, Swinburne and RMIT are inspiring and need your support.

Join us in your best purple attire, and bring your friends, kids, dogs, along with your spiciest placards at any of the strike actions next week that you can make.


Date: Monday 28 August

Time: 12.30pm to 2pm

Meeting point: Raymond Priestley Building https://goo.gl/maps/Hqz5dsreocynBUcm7

What: Rally at Raymond Priestley Building, followed by social BBQ on the South Lawn from 1pm onwards.

More information about the strike and why staff are taking industrial action: https://www.unimelbebanow.com/


Date: Wednesday 30 August

Time: 12.30pm to 2.30pm

Meeting point: Swinburne Hawthorn Campus, Corner of John and Wakefield St outside the Swinergy building https://goo.gl/maps/tniQ6ZTW1yBFW5nn8

What: BBQ with Student Union at 12.30pm, followed by march to Vice Chancellor’s Office at 1.30pm

More information about the strike and why staff are taking industrial action: https://www.nteu.au/bargaining/Swinburne


Date: Thursday 31 August

Time: 12.45 to 1.45pm

Meeting point: Bowen Street, CBD https://goo.gl/maps/cud6oATNGRfzfobv8

What: Rally and chants with RMIT staff and students.

More information about the strike and why staff are taking industrial action: https://www.nteu.au/bargaining/RMIT


Strike Week latest...

Monday 28 August: Get a feel of what it was like at the University of Melbourne rally by watching the live feed recording from the march to South Lawn, including interviews with members and supporters, saying why they came or why they're on strike.
Wednesday 30 August: Swinburne's rally today at the Hawthorn campus - rowdy in the rain!
Thursday 31 August: In case you missed the RMIT strike rally today at city campus, here's a taster, including speeches and interviews.

More information

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