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Ongoing Industrial Action at RMIT!

Find out about the latest bans, stop works and your rights in this process.
For more information, resources, training and ways to get involved, go to the Industrial Action page.

Vocational Education

Management put their sub-par EA to the vote, bypassing negotiations with your representatives from NTEU.
VE teachers resoundingly rejected the proposed agreement!


Your Branch Contacts:

  • Professor Tricia McLaughlin - Branch President
  • Rifai Abdul - Branch Organiser
  • [email protected]
Not a member? Join NTEU today.
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RMIT's Enterprise Agreements have all expired!

Days since our Higher Education Enterprise Agreement expired:

797d 18h 25m 18s

Days since our Vocational Education Enterprise Agreement expired:

582d 19h 25m 18s


Your union, your NTEU

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