Welcome to NTEU Swinburne

News and updates

  • Bargaining Update 

    As of 25 March 2024, the draft agreement put forward by Swinburne's executive omits several key claims by the branch. Here you can see what has been achieved and what still needs to be done. A members' meeting has been called for 8 April. Check your
For all your Swinburne branch news, check out the Swinburne News Archive.

NTEU Bargaining Team

Linda Cargill (NTEU Industrial Organiser)
Clare Danaher (NTEU Industrial Officer)
Brad Elphinstone (Swinburne NTEU Branch Executive Committee, Academic)
Leilani Fatupaito (Swinburne NTEU Branch Executive Committee, Professional)
Gabe Gooding (NTEU National Vice President)
Julie Kimber (Swinburne NTEU Branch President, Academic)
Daniel Kruk (Swinburne NTEU Branch Secretary, Professional)
Michael Leach (Swinburne NTEU Branch Vice President, Academic)

Expert Bargaining Advisors at the table:
Peter Drummond (Swinburne NTEU Member and Distinguished Professor, Quantum and Optical Science) 
David Peterson (Swinburne NTEU member and ITSM Analyst)
Julie Shaw (Swinburne NTEU Member and Discipline Lead, Nursing)

Contact the branch via email: [email protected] and Social Media 

Your union, your NTEU


You can help win better working conditions!

Volunteer to assist with the campaign or send us feedback - just fill in the form below.

If you need help at work, please go to Help@Work  page

If you would like to join, please go to the Join page

Throughout bargaining we have been working with several reference groups to help formulate policy and arguments. If you would like to be included in these (professional staff, casual, research only, and academic) reference groups, please get in touch by using the form below.


Your union, your NTEU

Want to discuss workplace issues? Need advice?

Changed jobs? Moved house? Time to update your details!

Not a member? Join NTEU today!

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