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Industrial Action

Three years and still no deal? Join our Open Day action and let's paint RMIT purple!

Key Links: 

All your key links in one place - RMIT NTEU Link Tree

This last weekend (29-30 June) marked exactly three years since the expiry of the last enterprise agreement for Higher Education staff, and nearly two years and 5 months since the Vocational Education agreement expired.

Over this time, RMIT staff have endured a global pandemic and subsequent cost of living crisis, as well as seeing hundreds of colleagues leave in round after round of restructures and job cuts. Yet there's still no new deal - not even a pay offer!

Although RMIT's VC Alec Cameron and his well paid execs receive generous pay rises and bonuses, staff at the university have seen their pay and working conditions languish and fall behind many other colleagues across the sector in Australia, now enjoying the benefits of new enterprise deals negotiated by NTEU.

Negotiations continue, but with three years on the clock we shouldn't have to wait any longer. NTEU members recently voted for new bans, including a ban on preparing for and participating in RMIT events - which includes Open Days. If you're not directly involved in the running of Open Day you can still get involved and join us on the day to help spread the word about the need for a new deal - that student learning conditions are determined by staff working conditions.

Open Day is an RMIT showpiece and management's most coveted recruitment event. If we can show management that we are strong and sincere in our commitment to taking action and that Open Day might not run how they would like, then this could be what helps get a new deal for staff over the line.

It's not action we take lightly, but we need management to work with us and address our remaining claims:

  • To give VE teachers a decent wage offer
  • To give any wage offer to HE professional and academic staff
  • To give VE teachers equity in superannuation, redundancy and misconduct with their peers
  • To address professional staff workloads
  • To give professional staff remote working rights and professional development time
Three years is too long and we're tired of waiting, so let's give the VC and his exec something to think about instead...
Let's paint RMIT purple on Open Day! Let's show these new students and their families:
  • that WE are the university!
  • that staff working conditions are student learning conditions!
  • and that RMIT will be a better, happier place if VC Alec Cameron finally gives us a new deal, with improved pay and working conditions!
New bans starting 2 July
Student Administration System (SAMS)- for the purposes of recording assessment results for VE students.
RMIT events - a ban on the preparation of, and participation in, RMIT events, specifically Open Day.

Continuing bans
Results Processing Online (RPO)
- Not in respect of casual staff entering claims for payment in Workday, nor in respect of approving casual payment claims in Workday.
Student Attendance Tracking System (SATS)
Student Administration System (SAMS) - for the purposes of recording student attendance.

Posters to download and share
Download these posters and display them in your workplace or share with colleagues.

RMIT Protected Industrial Action FAQs

Find out all you need to know about strikes and other industrial action in support of enterprise bargaining.
For example: What are your legal rights? What is the difference between a stop work and a work ban? And more.

NTEU RMIT Strike Convo Training 

Conversation training to help with talking to your colleagues about the strike, run by UniMelb NTEU organiser Amelia Sully at the RMIT Branch office.
Choose a session time and REGISTER HERE.

Branch news and updates


RMIT VE two week strike: what it means for you and your rights

NTEU RMIT VE members are on strike for two weeks, starting from Thursday 25 July. Find out what's involved and your protected rights.


Comparing VC salaries in Victoria: OTT and out of touch

NTEU analysis of Vice-Chancellors’ salaries: Comparison with salary levels of Level E Academic (Professor) and HEW 1 Professional Staff (May 2024)


RMIT on strike! 36 hour stoppage as staff push for new deal

NTEU RMIT members are on strike for 36 hours, starting from Thursday 13 June. Read more and check out the pics!

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