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Vocational Education

RMIT VE staff on two week strike!

Thursday 25 July to Wednesday 7 August
RMIT VE staff are tired of waiting for a new deal - nearly two and a half years! - so they're on strike for two weeks to push for better pay and conditions.
Find out more about the strike and what it means for you and your rights at work.


VE teachers reject RMIT's proposed EA

Feb 2024

In the non-union ballot at RMIT VE College, VE teachers resoundingly rejected the new enterprise agreement proposed by management.

Analysis by NTEU industrial experts showed the sub par offer would leave VE teachers with poor pay and diminished conditions, and well behind colleagues across the sector.

This sent a clear message to management: that VE teachers deserve and expect more than just low pay and intense workloads.

Victory in this vote means NTEU is looking forward to the return to bargaining and the opportunity to win a much better deal.

  • PAY: Wage increases total only 11% over 4.75 years, which equates to 2.3% per year. The current Agreement expired in January 2022 and there was an admin pay rise of 2% in November 2022. The current draft provides for 9% ( 3x3%) with an expiry date of October 2026.
  • HOURS: Increased span of hours to 7am-7pm.
  • WORKLOADS: Teaching contact of up to 21 hours/week to be averaged over 6 months.
  • SUPER: Graded increase in superannuation to 17% only by November 2025.
  • TIME: No specific course co-ordination time allowances.
  • No acknowledgement of Associate Degree teaching/scholarship.
  • CASUALS: Reduced rate for casual teaching for lectures. 

NTEU has negotiated improved pay and conditions for teaching staff across Australia.
RMIT Management want to keep VE teachers on a lower level of pay and conditions than their professional staff colleagues in VE college. 
RMIT can do better and you deserve better.
Here's VE teacher Julian Pratt on why voting no is the best way to send management a message that staff want a better deal than the one on offer:


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