We strive to ensure that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander voices are heard and respected, not just within the union, but beyond, in our wider communities.

We work on the full range of issues facing First Nations peoples led by our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Policy Committee. 

Using our bargaining power, we have established employment targets at all Australian universities which are increasing the representation of First Nation’s peoples on our campus and are helping to close the gap by ensuring that there are fair and equitable working conditions for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander workers within their university collective agreements.

The Policy Committee raises the profile of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander business within and across the union structure, advises Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander members on a range of industrial matters as well as assisting Divisions (States and Territories) and Branches (Universities) with cultural competency and related matters.

Our commitment to this work is so strong that we are one of the few unions to mandate in our rules representation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples at all levels of the union.

In 2002, the NTEU gubba caucus (the non-Aboriginal and Torres Strait caucus) adopted a 10 POINT PLAN FOR A POST-TREATY UNION.  It is the foundation document for NTEU, detailing the core commitment of the Union to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander members, people and their communities, that seeks to address racism, discrimination, and inequalities faced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, and to ensure that NTEU is a culturally safe and welcoming space.


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About your Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander representatives

The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Policy Committee (A&TSIPC) is elected for two years by and from NTEU A&TSI members. Each State and Territory is represented by a Division Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Representative, in addition, 3 National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Councillors are elected from the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander membership. The Chair of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Policy Committee holds a seat on the NTEU National Executive.
The NTEU Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Policy Committee was established to undertake the following responsibilities:
  • In conjunction with other committees of the Union, formulate policy and advise the National Executive on matters relating to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander participation in  employment and education in tertiary education institutions ;
  • Provide advice and support on developing strategies to recruit and provide relevant services, training and representation to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples;
  • Provide advice to the National Executive, National Office and Divisions pertaining to liaison with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations and communities relevant to the work of the NTEU;
  • Assist the union in lobbying Government and other organisations on issues relevant to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff and students in tertiary education
  • Assist NTEU’s work with other unions representing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders in order to build our capacity and partnerships; and
  • Assist to promote the NTEU’s involvement in fora relating to the needs and interests of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander members.

The Committee membership comprises eight Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Division (State/Territory) Representatives and three Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander National Councillors.  All positions are elected from the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander membership for a term of two years.

The Committee is funded for two face-to-face meetings per year (August and October), with an additional four teleconferences and funding provisions for special projects. As is the case with other standing committees, the National Executive has the power to co-opt additional members should it be deemed necessary from the point of view providing representation of particular sections of the Union's membership (for example, ensuring TAFE and certain amount of regional representation).

Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Policy Committee Membership


 Chair  Sharlene Leroy-Dyer   University of Queensland   Email Sharlene 
 Deputy Chair            Rob Anders  University of Tasmania  Email Rob 
 WA Division  Brendon Degois  University of Western Australia                  Email Brendon 
 VIC Division  Sadie Heckenburg  Swinburne University of Technology  Email Sadie 
 QLD Division  Debbie Woodbridge           Griffith University  Email Debbie 
 ACT Division  Vacant    
 TAS Division  Rob Anders  University of Tasmania  Email Rob
 SA Division  Anna Strzelecki  University of South Australia  Email Anna
 NSW Division  Vacant    
 NT Division
 National Councillor       Rob Anders  University of Tasmania   Email Rob    
 National Councillor   Sharlene Leroy-Dyer  University of Queensland  Email Sharlene 
 National Councillor   Leah Lui-Chivizhe  University of Technology Sydney  Email Leah
 The National Team      
 National A&TSI Unit        
 Adam Frogley  NTEU National Office  Email Adam
 National Organiser,
 National A&TSI Unit
 Celeste Liddle  NTEU National Office  Email Celeste

There are also positions reserved for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander members on each Branch Committee. Please contact your local Branch for more information about your local representative.

Want to find out more?

Read our key Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander policy       
Download a copy of our core Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander policy
Read our policy on Treaty
Read our policy on Ownership of Cultural Properties  
Download a copy of our Welcome to Country Guide
Read our second Report on Cultural Respect, Racial Discrimination, Lateral Violence & related Policy at Australia’s Universities "I'm Still Not A Racist But"