Latest News


NTEU concerned at the disestablishment of the Uni of Divinity School of Indigenous Studies

NTEU is both appalled and concerned at the announcement made by the University of Divinity, to disestablish their School of Indigenous Studies, effectively immediately.


National staff strike expected to disrupt classes for hundreds

Classes are set to be cancelled for hundreds of students at SAE University College campuses across Australia when staff launch major strike action.


NTEU Elections 2024

Nominations for the 2024 NTEU elections have been extended until 12noon AEST Monday 1 July 2024.


University wage theft on track to exceed $382 million nationally

National Tertiary Education Union (NTEU) has called for an urgent federal parliamentary inquiry into university wage theft.


Rule Change Application

NTEU has applied to the Fair Work Commission for a change to its rules.


Victoria University staff set to strike over workloads

Victoria University staff will launch a half day strike action on Wednesday from 12pm to midnight at all campuses as anger rises over a failure to give staff a fair pay rise and safe workloads.

Latest Campaigns


Universities Accord

We have an opportunity to help save our sector by signing this petition to demand better governance of our public universities and better conditions for staff and students.


New survey reveals shocking rise in sexual harassment at universities

Sexual harassment in higher education workplaces has jumped more than 52%, according to the shocking results of a new staff survey


New workplace law excludes higher education staff

Across Australia, fixed term workers will be getting new rights to secure work next week, but not University workers.