RMIT Strike Week begins Monday 25 March, 12.30pm

After years waiting for a new enterprise agreement, RMIT staff are striking for real pay rises, fair workloads and secure jobs in the week before Easter break.

As many other workers around the sector enjoy the benefits of new agreements with better pay and conditions at their institutions, why are staff at RMIT being left behind in a cost of living crisis? Management refuses to offer a decent pay rise, workload relief or secure work; they’re seeking to abolish hard fought and long standing conditions.

Enough is enough - it's time to take action!

RMIT NTEU members voted overwhelmingly in favour of escalating our industrial action.

Over 90% of members voted to take the following three actions: 

  • A week long strike commencing at 12.30pm on Monday March 25th and ending Thursday March 28th at 11.59pm 
  • A ban on the use of the RMIT online system Workday (note: This action will not apply in respect of casual staff entering their hours of work in Workday for the purposes of making claims for payment, nor in respect of managers/supervisors approving casual staff payment claims in Workday.)
  • Bans on SATs and SAMs (for the purposes of recording student attendance) remain in place indefinitely (be sure to keep paper attendance records) 

We don't take these actions lightly. The strike is the longest ever undertaken at RMIT University, and it matches the urgency of the situation in which we find ourselves.

NTEU RMIT Strike convo training
Conversation training for talking to your colleagues about the strike (run by Amelia Sully, Uni Melb organiser) at the RMIT Branch office.
Choose a session time and REGISTER HERE.

Any questions? No worries, just contact your branch office: [email protected]

Key Links: 

More information

  • Join NTEU and add your support to our bargaining campaign at RMIT
  • Keep up to date with the latest strike news on the branch industrial action page: get your questions answered about protected industrial action and what it means for you and your colleagues.
  • Read about how NTEU is pushing for better universities through the Federal Government's Universities Accord process.

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