Students in the firing line as RMIT management threatens legal action over protest

RMIT management is now turning its aggressive and intimidatory approach to silencing staff onto its own students, bringing disciplinary proceedings against some students who came out in support of RMIT staff striking for better pay and conditions over recent months.

While the students could face suspension after being hauled before a disciplinary hearing, accused of loud and aggressive behaviour by RMIT (which they dispute), they have received wider public support since the story broke in the Age over the weekend, provoking widespread horror and disbelief online (see social media clips below).

Prominent Melbourne lawyer and expert in employment and Industrial Relations law, Josh Bornstein, has also offered to assist the students, in what is turning out to be a PR disaster for RMIT. In addition to garnering public sympathy for the students, this is not a good look for a university that claims to put students first, and also merely serves to highlight the hardline approach that RMIT management and their lawyers have taken to enterprise bargaining with their staff and the NTEU.

How you can help!
Share the Age story on your social media with a message of support for the students or censure for @RMIT (or both!).
You could even ask @JasonClare whether this is the sort of governance at #universities that he envisions for Australian #HigherEducation? Just sayin'...

The Age: Students cop penalties as universities turn to strike-busting tactics

More information about why staff are taking industrial action:


More information

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