Dancing for a new deal - strike and rally builds the pressure

With no movement at the bargaining table, striking Swinburne NTEU members took their moves to the streets, dancing together on campus to demand action and "a little less conversation", as Elvis puts it.

After cutting some rug outside Swinburne's UN building the rally marched to the office of VC Pascal Quester to demand a swift conclusion to bargaining, a fair enterprise agreement, and the chance to glimpse her new $300,000 bathroom, paid for with university funds.

Unfortunately, after being denied entry, the rally was also refused an audience with the VC, or a glimpse of her exalted ensuite, now dubbed the "Dunny D'Or", by staff at Swinburne.

With key speakers at the rally including NTEU General Secretary Damien Cahill, and other senior National and State NTEU office holders in attendance, pressure is building on the VC and university executive to deliver a new and fair enterprise agreement for all staff at Swinburne.

Staff can't wait any longer - we need a new deal now with Real Pay Rises | Secure Jobs | Fair Workloads! Read more about enterprise bargaining on the NTEU Swinburne Branch website and contact the branch if you have questions or want to get involved: [email protected].

If you missed the rally, check out the photos and videos below to see what happened and what it felt like to be there. See you at the next action!

NTEU Swinburne Branch

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Bargaining Update

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