Swinburne strikes again - rally and march for new enterprise deal

Following last week's strike action, NTEU Swinburne members were out again today as the push for a new deal and protest at VC Quester's attempt to remove worker rights intensified.

A large crowd heard from academic and professional staff members as they recounted personal stories of how the draconian policies of VC Pascal Quester and her executive have impacted on their conditions of work and adversely affected the quality of student life and learning at Swinburne.

NTEU Victorian Division Secretary Sarah Roberts gave a robust rebuttal to Quester's attempts at removing over 100 worker rights from any new enterprise agreement and decried the out of touch Vice-Chancellor, who earns over $1 million a year, for using university funds to build a $300,000 toilet - all while refusing staff claims for real pay rises, secure jobs and fair workloads.

Passions raised at the litany of injustice recounted by the speakers, the rally marched off around campus, loudly chanting, while students looked on and applauded.

To get a feel of the rally and what happened, check out the photos and videos below.


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