We won! VE teachers vote to reject RMIT management's proposed EA

In last week's non-union ballot at RMIT VE College, VE teachers resoundingly rejected the new enterprise agreement proposed by management.

Analysis by NTEU industrial experts showed the sub par offer would leave VE teachers with poor pay and diminished conditions, and well behind colleagues across the sector.

This sends a clear message to management: that VE teachers deserve and expect more than just low pay and intense workloads.

By voting 'No', you've given us the opportunity to return to bargaining and win a better deal.

We'll keep you posted on progress, but in the meantime staff at RMIT are ramping up the pressure on management with RMIT Strike Week, running 25-28 March

Join us on Bowen Street for the rally and BBQ on Monday 25 March. Let's make some noise! 

Any questions? No worries, just contact your branch office: [email protected]

Dear vocational education teachers,
RMIT VE management offered you an unfair and below sector wages and conditions enterprise agreement and asked you to accept it in a ballot.
RMIT VE teachers overwhelmingly rejected this poor offer. 
  • You defeated the ballot and this lousy offer.
  • You stood strong and viewed the proposed wages and conditions fairly - VE teachers are the winners here.
  • You said: RMIT must now offer VE teachers decent wages and conditions - and equality of conditions!

The NTEU will be demanding RMIT returns to the bargaining table.

We acknowledge the hard work of the delegates. Special call out to branch committee members Julian, John, the associate degree staff and the bargaining team - Sywlia. Thank you.

No member should be victimised because of their opposition to this agreement or their advocacy on behalf of the union. If this occurs, please immediately contact the branch.

Finally, we will continue to support you as NTEU members and fight hard and quickly to get resolution on this agreement.
We will win!

Please tell other non-members that the only way to win better wages and conditions is through union membership.

Well done - we will keep you informed of RMIT’s next move!

Next week we are on strike to support our claims for:

  • A decent pay increase: 2.3% is not enough!
  • Decent workloads: course co-ordination time allowance; associate degree scholarship allowance and a range of teaching hours (16 to 21 hours measured in a 2 week cycle).
  • Equality of conditions: misconduct, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employment and redundancy payments.
  • Secure work: conversions casuals and payments for all time worked. 

We must strike now to emphasize this win and push hard for our claims!
25TH March 12.30pm – assemble at Building 94 for march to rally
26th, 27th & 28th March - all members on STRIKE all day.

Tricia McLaughlin, RMIT Branch President.


More information

  • Join NTEU and add your support to our bargaining campaign at RMIT
  • Keep up to date with the latest strike news on the branch industrial action page: get your questions answered about protected industrial action and what it means for you and your colleagues.
  • Read about how NTEU is pushing for better universities through the Federal Government's Universities Accord process.

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