NTEU Statement on Israel and Palestine

October 20

NTEU joins the ITUC in condemning the brutal attacks on civilians in Israel and Gaza.  
In accordance with its values of peace, justice, and solidarity with working people, the NTEU is horrified by the current conflict and the violence it has caused. 

Following humanitarian and progressive organisations around the world, we call for an immediate ceasefire, for Israel to end its siege of Gaza, and for food, water, electricity, and medical supplies to be provided to Gaza. 

Just as we condemn Hamas’s attacks on civilians, we condemn Israel’s collective punishment of the Palestinian population. NTEU joins the ITUC in calling for the international community to act for peace. 

NTEU reaffirms its previous calls that any resolution of the conflict requires an end to the occupation of Palestine, recognition of Palestine as a sovereign state, and an end to illegal settlements. 

Peace can only be achieved when the Palestinian people are able to exercise their right to self-determination in a free and independent Palestine.

NTEU supports the right for peaceful protest on these issues within Australia. NTEU believes that the right to protest is a cornerstone of a democratic society and expresses its strong concern at recent statements indicating the potential curtailment of the right to protest on these issues in Australia.  

NTEU is concerned at and condemns the recent rise in antisemitism and Islamophobia, and urges protestors not to engage in Islamophobia, antisemitism, and other racist and vilifying discourse, while noting that criticism of the actions of Israel's government is not, in and of itself, antisemitic. 

NTEU has donated $15,000 to APHEDA to distribute to aid partners in Gaza for immediate humanitarian relief. Our thoughts are especially with any NTEU members who have lost family or loved ones in this conflict.

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